Air New Zealand Announces Magical Christmas Campaign

Nội Dung Chính

Air New Zealand Announces Magical Christmas Campaign

With the unstoppable passing of time meaning that Christmas is looming ever larger on the horizon, airlines around the world are getting into the festive spirit ahead of the holiday season. While British Airways recently announced its plans for a special festive menu onboard its December flights, Christmas plans are also afoot on the other side of the world, with Air New Zealand also having launched a campaign.

Air New Zealand Announces Magical Christmas CampaignAir New Zealand Announces Magical Christmas Campaign
Air New Zealand Announces Magical Christmas Campaign

Making magical memories

The focal point of Air New Zealand ‘s Christmas campaign, which it has dubbed ‘Let The Magic Find You,’ is the transformation of an aircraft into a winter wonderland when flying on December 25th. The distant location of the airline’s homeland means that, for its long-haul passengers traveling over the holidays, there is a chance that they’ll spend the bulk of their Christmas Day up in the air.

Air New Zealand Announces Magical Christmas CampaignAir New Zealand Announces Magical Christmas Campaign
Air New Zealand Announces Magical Christmas Campaign

However, the video seen above tells a story where the festivities aren’t missed for one of the carrier’s young passengers. Indeed, we see the flight attendants dutifully fill the aircraft’s cabin with “stockings, decorations, and treats, just in time for the young passenger at the heart of the campaign to wake up and find himself in a world of onboard Christmas magic.” Air New Zealand’s Grace Blewitt explains:

“Travelling long-haul to Aotearoa is a unique experience, where, more often than not, passengers will ‘lose’ a day while in the air. We know that’s tough on customers traveling over Christmas, especially those missing Christmas Day. At Air New Zealand, we love creating magical moments onboard, and this campaign demonstrates that commitment to delivering something special for our customers.”

Special touches onboard flights

Of course, the logistics of creating such a spectacular scene onboard an operational flight are a bridge too far, so passengers shouldn’t expect an experience quite like that enjoyed by the boy in the campaign video. Nonetheless, Air New Zealand still has plenty of things planned that will help bring the festive spirit to life onboard its flights, which is something that the carrier prides itself on.

Indeed, the passenger experience will have a festive angle this month, with customers being served with “red, green, and for a limited time, special candy cane flavored lollies.” Meanwhile, certain flights will have “festive headrest covers and Christmas tray table mats,” while guests on Koru Hour services will be offered”pretzel and candy cane bark as well as more premium wines.” Blewitt adds:

“We are delighted to bring the magic of Christmas to our passengers, even at 35,000 feet. Our team has been working to create a memorable and festive experience for everyone onboard. We hope to make this holiday season truly special for our passengers, no matter where they are flying.”

More festivities on the horizon, and a wellness kick

If Air New Zealand’s passengers and employees are feeling suitably festive amid the release of the ‘Let The Magic Find You’ campaign video, there is more good news for them. Indeed, according to Blewitt, who serves as the carrier’s Head of Brand, the airline has “more Christmas spirit to bring this December,” with “one more festive foray inspired by the campaign” for us all to stay tuned for.

Interestingly, the Christmas offering also has of a wellness consideration. Indeed, as much as the sweet treats given to passengers this month are primarily aiming to raise festive spirits onboard, Air New Zealand notes that sucking on its candy cane lollies can also help relieve pressure on your ears at altitude. This is due to the fact that it “activates the muscle that opens your eustachian tubes.”

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